This photoblog will still complement my web site. I'd like to encourage my readers and viewers to leave comments on the site for those models who's galleries you visit. These girls love the feedback they see when they revisit my site to see who's said what about their collaborations with me. The more comments you give, the more they want to model with me! So give it up. I've re-organized my galleries a bit. I've worked with a lot of models and while my web host allows unlimited gallery space, I don't want to post a million pics on it. I've relegated myself to seven galleries and I am still thinking that may be too many. I've taken some galleries out, replaced some and added new ones. I need to go through and really clean it up to make it more succinct and add keywords.
Trisha is still my most popular gallery viewed. I've recently posted fresh pics of her that are by far more explicit than anything I've posted before. With respect to what I usually do, they may deviate from the mean slightly, but Trisha is sort of the kind to do that. She's a rarity that can carry the innocent look so well, but at the same time has a totally different side that surprises you. One viewer commented that while she can look like a 4th grade English teacher, she's still the type you want to come home to. She doesn't mind showing it all and holds no secrets, but you shouldn't make any presumptions about her character either. You'd be dead wrong. As an artist herself, she simply sees no issue with her poses. As far as she's concerned, if you're going to be nude then be nude, and being exposed is sort of the defining aspect of being an art model. She's very comfortable with herself and her self-expression. My job was to capture it. Not everyone can pull it off the way she does and not everyone should. I still hope to be able to shoot her again. We talk regularly even though she's 1800 miles away.
But for now, I leave you with images of Elizabeth, who is another defining model in my photography and art work. I was afforded the opportunity to do some great studio work with her during my last year in grad school while taking photo classes. I did some of my best work with her. On a final note, I want to bring your attention to the left where you'll notice the new Donations section. This is not an easy gig and for anyone who likes my work and wants to support my artistic endeavors, by all means click the Amazon Honor System link. Everyone knows to be a completely reliable and safe site. All your info is secure and none of it comes to me. So to anyone who'd like to contribute, I'd be more than appreciative for your support.
It is so nice of you to ask for comments for the models. As a model, I know how much we want them! As has been discussed lately, most of the time that is the main remuneration we receive for our work. So here it is. I LOVE the photograph of Elizabeth. A beautiful body in a pose that shows off her flexibility.