29 March 2008

And Then There's Lydia

One thing I was really happy to see this week was the return of Chris St. James from, my fave place, Univers d'Artistes hailing from France. Chris has been ill for a while now and I heard from him only every now and then. Then he posted on his blog that he could no longer maintain his blog due to his illness. That was about 3 weeks ago. I sent him an email just to wish him well and let him know I thought of him often. I still check his blog most everyday. I was surprised to see an answer that he was trying some new treatments. The next day, he posted on his blog as if he had never left. I was so elated. I pray for his quick recovery.

Over the last few months I have come across several informative links that I think I'll share on my blog. No they are not posted along the sides yet, but they will be. Some are photog resources, some are model resources, and a few fall in between. The first of which I felt was a great link is the Photo Attorney, run by Carolyn E Wright, Esq. who is an attorney specializing in photography. She's got valuable info on photog rights, copyright registration info, etc. I know I've spoken with several art photogs on the issue of copyright. Do you get them or no? I've elected to register my copyrights on everything I do. I send in my newest materials quarterly just to add that extra bit of protection for my work. It really too easy and I think its worth it. Some other links of interest for photogs are the International Center for Photography and the Society for Photographic Education.

My Las Vegas Art Models Group is becoming more active. As we speak, I have three events with locked in dates planned over the next month or so. Two are more drawing sessions, one of which will be another like the one in my recent post. The other will be the same just without the added pomp and circumstance type fanfare, although both will take place at the World Market Center. The third event is, of course my art nude photo workshop, for which my friend Dave Rudin is getting to come visit and lend his expertise. The group is growing and is becoming more publicized by word of mouth. I've made a few contacts with some special people who have helped promote me and my group. It's my endeavor to show that their efforts are paying off for thier friendship and support.

I got a chance to collaborate with Lydia some weeks ago. It wasn't a planned collaboration at all. It was actually a spontaneous shoot as an extension of our second interview. I hadn't planned to get as many images as I did. While I am certain we can do better, I was quite pleased with her and our work. Lydia has a great attitude to match her outgoing personality. She's a firery redhead with wit to match her splendid persona. In fact, I was inclined to cease my search for a model for the upcoming photo workshop and booked her as soon as we concluded our session for the 13th of April. I never get any good photos for myself at the workshops as I am busy facilitating. So I'll have to do Lydia again on my own somewhere in an outdoor locale that still suits her delicate skin. The day I shot her, she was leaving work and already had a sunburn. I'm all about protecting that body, so I'll do what I gotta do.

Look for more links next time pertaining to model resources.

22 March 2008

As Promised, Pocatella

I'm really starting to miss my chemicals and the darkroom. There is really nothing like it. I've gone digital, but every once in a while, I get that hankering for the smell of fixer. Can you identify? The silence and serenity of my blacked out darkroom was surreal for me. I am not as excited about working edits on my computer. Its just not the same as watching the image materialize out of seemingly nothing while you time it in a tray of Rodinal or D-76. The tactile sensations of wet double-weight Ilford fiber provided an instant feedback that is remiss in digital format. Most photogs I've talked to abhor the wet works and would never go back. I cannot say the same. I lament the absence of a readily available enlarger.

Whats bringing this on, you ask? Well, since going digital, the post processing isn't as fun for me. Sure, I still look forward to the finished product, and the quick turnaround of capture to edited image. But its not always like that. Sometimes I spend just as much time on the computer as I did in the darkroom. Also I am still learning digital post processing and need more tools and equipment to update what I already have. I was already familiar with handling special problems with film, but I am stumped on some things digital. So I am forced to hit the books. The wedding I recently did in Texas, had several shot underexposed. It was the darkest church I have ever been in and a photogs worst nightmare. Lesson learned, do local weddings.

Well enough of all that. This is Pocatella that I recently promised to post. Talk about a model with a great attitude. I definitely need to get more work with her. She modeled for me briefly one week just to test out the lighting setup that I purchased to do the wedding. I was very impressed with her, and asked that she model for my Las Vegas Art Models Group Artistic Nude Photo Workshop. She did a great job and the attending photogs loved her. She was full of energy! I was afraid that she'd burn out, but with the smaller groups, we get more done. So even though we shot longer than the first workshop, we used our time more efficiently. Can't wait to get with her again. Lovely girl, isn't she? Enjoy your Easter Holiday.

18 March 2008

Finally...a Drawing Event

Its been kind of a hectic last 3 weeks. I've had several models to shoot, a wedding, and I finally got to do my drawing session in cahoots with the Beverly Showroom at the World Market Center, here in Vegas. That's a HUGE furniture showcase mega building complex thats getting bigger. Even the architechural design is an artistic element in an of itself. Look it up. They want to help sponsor this event on a monthy basis. This last one was the brainchild of the showroom manager who contacted me about her idea of hosting a drawing session using a live model. I selected Faerie to work this gig and it was an excellent choice. I met several great contacts, got some timely advice from an artist's agent, and have possibly arranged for some future gigs in the making.

The event was held in combination with an invitation for buyers and designers of the furniture and art world who were invited to an exhibit of Artist of the Month, Steven Spann. Its a good way to bring in the right people to showcase furniture, while supporting the local artists and art community.

My side was to facilitate a Work of the Day exhibit featuring work from local artists produced on the spot. The designers got to come in and see the work being created, get to know the artists, and fill up on food and beverages. I'm not talking your run of the mill finger foods, either. This was the good stuff. The Beverly went all out for this.

Faerie thought it was sort of weird having other groups of people enter the showroom who had drinks and a plate instead of inks and a pad. Groups of people would come to watch her being drawn or painted and then head back into the gallery. A few minutes after, another few would drop in and spectate for a while. It was definately different.

At any rate, the monthy events won't be catered like this, but I admire their courage to let me help put on a show and represent my Las Vegas Art Models Group. It was wonderful. Can't wait to do it again. Tune in next time when I bring you new model, Pocatella and then later, Lydia.

12 March 2008

One beautiful Faerie

This, my friends, is the lovely Faerie, whom I had the privilege to work with a few weeks ago. Not only is she beautiful, but she's the consummate model that any photog would love to work with. She's very professional, arrives early, highly dependable, and is the type to bring something extra to a shoot by way of talented motions and graceful gestures. I think one of the most captivating aspects about Faerie is her look. To peer into her eyes is to risk losing one's self into either a loss of thought or deep meditation. Several times, I had to stop and gaze into her pupils and give a second thought as to what it was that I intended to capture with my camera. Few models catch me off guard like this. Often times, I can guess what a model will look like even before she's undressed. I may not know specific features, but I have an idea of her shape and how I'd like to work with her. Faerie wore baggy clothes to our first interview. When she finally undressed for me, I had to take a step back to make sure I was looking at the same woman whom I had previously met at the reJAVAnate Coffee Lounge.

Speaking of which, I really love reJAVAnate. I like its local appeal and its a good change up from Starbucks. Another thing I appreciate about the business is their support of local artists. My friends, Hercules and John have done a grand job of taking over this establishment from the original owner and continuing the tradition of a quality joint to kick back, relax, and enjoy some company while sippin' or slurping on your coffee or tea of choice. I try to conduct my initial interviews here because I like to patron businesses that support the local arts and I do this despite the fact that I can't hang my nudes in this public place. Maybe I can work on some more stuff to hang later on. In fact I know I have some pieces that are less likely to offend the more conservative customers and children.

Back to Faerie, I know I'm gonna be using her more in the future. I've already booked her an another gig for another local business using art models for a drawing session. This is kind of an important gig so I knew I needed someone dependable. Faerie was my first model to come to mind. I've still got to get to work on completing edits on her images. These are just a few that I've been able to do since I've gotten back from shooting a wedding in Texas. So enjoy. I'll be posting more by this weekend.

05 March 2008

Out of town.

Just a quickie...I'm gonna be out of town for almost a week. So, I'll see you guys on the 11th, so be sure to tune in when I get back!
